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ciahowalro 2020. 7. 21. 20:54



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My research examined official online COVID-19 information and public health signage in four Sydney suburbs with two to three times the national .... Cracking the Language Barrier for a Multilingual Europe. 45 created by the 24 official EU languages cause the market to be fragmented. About half of European .... European Language Resource Coordination — supporting Multilingual ... One of the key challenges faced by public administrations across Europe was how to ... as automated translation can help to crack language barriers between people .... Cracking code-mixing — an important step in making ... India, like many other parts of the world, is multilingual on a societal level with most people ... parity in the following public benchmark tasks that have been broadly […].. Linear B, a slightly later but closely related script found in Crete and mainland Greece, was famously cracked by the eccentric English architect .... Public procurement and a policy focus towards. “Language Technology-enabled Multilingualism” are crucial and necessary prerequisites for.. Cracking the Language Barrier assembles all European research and ... papers (such as the Strategic Agenda for the Multilingual Digital Single Market), data ... the Digital Single Market, public administrations, general IT/ICT applications and .... However, no automated language service has fully cracked the nuances of modern language, so the translations are not the most reliable ( ...


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